
Hi! My name is Mark Phillips. Here’s a quick history of Phillips Home Repair.

In 2007, after a few years of doing odd jobs on the side, I went full-time and made Phillips Home Repair official. For the next 12 years, I remodeled bathrooms, installed hardwood flooring, hung doors, painted bedrooms, replaced light fixtures, installed doggy doors, painted parking lot lines, fixed stereos, installed faucets, replaced dishwashers, hung ceiling fans, and did about any other home-related odd job you can think of.

In early 2018 I decided to start making YouTube videos. I already had an inactive channel collecting dust, but it seemed like a good time to use the platform to share how to fix and build things. Like most endeavors, it had a slow start, but I didn’t set out to gain fame and fortune. The idea was simply to have a place to combine my DIY experience with my interest in video editing. And I already had a handyman business, so it should integrate seamlessly, right?

Later that same year, I got a full-time job repairing laboratory equipment and shut down Phillips Home Repair as a handyman business. I learned the hard way that I was a much better handyman than businessman. Most years, I managed to squeak by and pay the bills, but I could tell I’d never be good enough at the billing and scheduling end of it to run a successful business. When I found a job that appreciated my skills and offered great pay and benefits, I knew it was time to move on.

The Phillips Home Repair name was already attached to my YouTube channel, so since my last name hadn’t changed and I was still repairing things, I decided to just embrace the business name and logo.

If you’re here looking for a handyman, I’m sorry, but I’m closed. If you have a piece of electronics to repair, send me a message. If it’s something that I think would make a good video, I might take it on.